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首页 > 产品 > WL 工程铁路围栏模具 代理商
WL 工程铁路围栏模具 代理商
单价 面议
询价 暂无
发货 河北保定市付款后3天内
品牌 正同
规格 qq:411517116
厂家 盛发模具厂
价钱 13803127375
过期 长期有效
更新 2019-01-05 11:16
WL  工程铁路围栏模具 代理商 保定市正同模具厂崔经理:133 1543 8000   qq:190 3165 600   工程铁路围栏模具的制作工艺都是通过铁板的焊接而成,外表进行喷漆, 工程铁路围栏模具这样护栏钢模具就不容易生锈,制作的水泥制品表面光滑、美观,高铁护栏钢模具的储存环境也很重要,使用完后将护栏钢模具保存在阴凉干燥的地方,可增加 工程铁路围栏模具的寿命。 工程铁路围栏模具河北正同模具厂专业定做各种水泥预制件模具Manager Cui: 133 1543 8000 qq:190 3165 600 Engineering Railway Fence Die Manufacturing Technology is welded by iron plate, spray paint on the surface, Engineering Railway Fence Die is not easy to rust, the surface of cement products is smooth and beautiful, high-speed rail fence steel mold storage. The environment is also very important. After using, keeping the guardrail steel die in a cool and dry place can increase the service life of the Engineering Railway fence die. Engineering Railway Fence Mold Hebei Zhengtong Mold Factory specializes in custom-made various cement prefabricated parts mould